Stage gate process aids product development #pmot

ISO9001designprocessIn the Automotive# industry thousands of individual components are designed, developed, prototyped, tested and tuned silmultaneously to be brought together as a finished car which has to meet exacting standards for safety, perfomance and reliability.

An incredible feat of engineering and project management which is made possible by the effective use of a rigorous stage gate process based on ISO9001 . Here the output of one stage has to meet pre-defined standards before the project is allowed to move to the next stage.

The key to continued success is the fine tuning of the process itself based on ‘lessons learned’ from previous projects.

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10 things which make for Project success……#pmot

consultants5There are several things which make for a successful project, here are some of them:-

The product or service which is the output of the project can be clearly specified. This is easier said than done especially when the output is a software system or something which is difficult to define. However, this makes the product spec more not less necessary. If the project is to be deemed a success the output needs to be defined as clearly and thoroughly as possible.

The product or service has one clearly defined customer. It is always easier to meet the demands of one tough customer rather than the competing demands of several. It is important to meet the customer or their representative face to face to agree the spec.

The Project Manager has experience of delivering similar projects.

The Team has been through the Storming, Forming & Norming stages of Team development.

The Team is multi-functional & chosen for this specific project.

The project is planned properly – 70-80% of the PM’s efforts should be expended in the planning phase, the plan should be repeatedly reviewed by the Team, and proper contingency should be put in place to manage the risks.

The PM needs real authority in order to ‘get stuff done’

Regular Team meetings need to be held to review progress.

The team are located in the same building, even better the same room.

The PM is calm, assured & approachable

Could you suggest some more ?

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When persistence is not always good…………………….#pmot

Project Managers are generally encouraged to be persistent and this characteristic is normally seen to be a “good” thing and something to be encouraged.

listeningSometimes, however, being persistent can bring “bad” results.

Consider the case of a Project Manager who has a preconceived agenda & seeks to impose it on a meeker member of the team. Despite the initial objections of the Team member the Project Manager persists and “badgers” the other into doing what She wants.

Six months later the project hits a major hurdle and the Project Manager realizes this was exactly what She was warned about all those months ago but chose to ignore in order to bash ahead with her agenda.

The wise Project Manager always listens to her Team and is prepared to question her own agenda with as open a mind as possible.

Persistence is a great attribute of any Project Manager but not when it impedes good judgement.

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Success in Project Management by improving people skills #pmot

Whatever type of Project you are Managing results will be improved by paying more attention to your people skills:-

  • Treat others as you would expect to be treated yourself – it’s so obvious but so easily neglected. When the pressure is on it’s even more important. Every word you say, every action you take needs to take into consideration the impact on the feelings of those around you. It sounds a bit ‘wet’ but if you consistently neglect the impact your actions have on others you will pay the price of poor Team performance and morale.
  • Communicate – keep the team informed by giving regular briefings and updates.
  • Don’t rely on email – it’s a great way of communicating complex information but terrible at conveying emotions.
  •  Face to Face – the most effective way of communicating. Sit down with your key team members at least once a week.
  • Leave the door open – always make yourself available for a private chat.
  • Make it fun – it’s all too easy to get bogged down in the bureaucracy of project management – keep a sense of humor & maintain a positive outlook.
  • Never criticize anyone in front of the Team – keep it for your one to one.
  • Open & Honest – personal communication should make your team members aware of your thoughts. This means telling people face to face what you think is good & what you think is bad. This requires you to listen openly without interrupting & being argumentative. Through this process your team will gain respect for your point of view & learn that you are a good listener.
  • Treat people equally – whether they are the cleaner or the CEO.

These issues will be further explored in my forthcoming book – ‘The Projectsguru guide to effective Project Management’

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Digital Switchover – a great project management success #pmot

This week has seen the completion of the Digital TV switchover in the UK.  Over a 5 year period the team has managed the successful transfer from Analogue to Digital in all regions of the UK. This has involved:-

  • Re-engineering over 1100 transmitters from Analogue to Digital.
  • Maintaining coverage at around 98.5% of UK residents.
  • Making 95% of the population aware of the programme.
  • Ensuring those who need help get it fast.
  • Freeing up the Analogue bandwidth for other uses.

The Team achieved all this and more completing the changeover on time and within budget. It was also an excellent example of collaboration between public sector broadcasters, independent broadcasters, Ofcom, Government and other parties.

Particularly impressive were the adverts targeted at the public which were clear, concise and informative.

Congratulations to the Digital Switchover team for a job well done.

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Helping you to juggle sand #pmot

Sometimes Project Management can be like “juggling sand”, tasks to complete, schedules to meet, requests to be met etc etc

If your job seems like are constantly juggling sand here are some simple tips to help you cope:-

  • Keep a notebook – it doesn’t matter how good your memory is you will NEVER remember everything.
  • Make a TO-DO list and prioritize it.
  • Say NO – if you can’t do something by a certain time don’t pretend you can.
  • Offer an alternative, if you can’t do A could you do B instead ?
  • Delegate – if you have a team delegate tasks effectively.
  • Communicate – if Management asks you to do something keep them up to date with progress.
  • Be PROACTIVE, rather than reactive.
  • ANTICIPATE problems before they present themselves.
  • Manage your time – if its simpler to phone rather than visit someone then do that.
  • Follow up verbal requests with an email so you have a traceable record.
  • Be Assertive, don’t swallow more than you can chew.

If you have any more suggestions please share them by commenting below.

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Why YOU need a Project Manager #pmot

project managersSome organizations think they can run projects without a Project Manager

They believe that they can save money by having an engineer or administrator do the project managers tasks.

Here are some reasons why they are wrong:-

  • All projects need managing.
  • Project Management is a skilled profession which requires years of learning and development.
  • A professional Project Manager understands how a project should be structured to ensure success.
  • She will plan the project to minimize overall timescale.
  • He understands how to get “stuff” done.
  • A Project Manager makes team members life “easy” by scheduling activities & dealing with the politics & administration of the project.
  • He understand conflict resolution and mediation.

So what is the likely outcome of trying to manage projects on the “cheap” :-

  • The project will be structured poorly if at all.
  • The timeline will be extended extensively.
  • The inexperienced individual trying to manage the project will become completely overloaded & unable to cope with their own tasks.
  • Rather than being cheaper costs will escalate out of control.
  • Key deliverables will not be met.
  • Customers expectations will be compromised.
  • The business will be irreparably damaged.

If you really want to save yourself money hire the best project manager you can get.

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Project Management Rapture….#in…#pmot

RaptureI knew exactly how Reverend Harold Camping felt on Saturday when his end of the world prediction (known as “The Rapture”) failed to transpire.

I’ve been there, oh yes I’ve been there; not predicting the end of the world of course, but forecasting a key project milestone to a customer. Tracking progress carefully and communicating regularly and what happens……a project bananna skin sneaks under the sole of my foot and all hell breaks loose, my project milestone is suddenly hoofed into the future and I’m left in front of the customer with egg, not only on my face, but dribbling down my shirt as well.

Of course I always go back to the customer offering 3 options and making every endeavour to minimize the delay but…’s never the same.

Like so many of the good Reverends followers who sold their houses, or spent their life savings prior to “Rapture” the Customer inevitably feels cheesed off to say the least.

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Return of The Apprentice….#pmot…#in…#entrepreneur

sugarThere are always plenty of laughs to be had in BBC’s “The Apprentice” – that’s what its all about after all, rather than a serious look at innovation or
entrepreneurship, it revolves around getting a bunch of young (naive) wannabes together who are generally arrogant, self opinionated and full of it; falling over themselves to look even dafter than they are in reality (all helped by clever editing of course)

Sir Alan hams it up, pontificating in cockney barrow boy English whilst trying not to fall off the box he has to place on his chair in order not to look too short.

Each task has a “project manager” – which has probably done more to damage the profession than anything else, most of the prats on the show probably think a Gantt is a term of abuse.

The funniest bit last night was when Sir Alan referred to himself as an “electronics expert….who sees things other people cannot see..”

Hmmmmm….perhaps he was referring to Amstrad’s “emailer” phone.amstrad-emailer
Oh Yes the famous emailer phone, widely used by Sir Alan’s receptionist to
usher in the hapless competitors.

Doesn’t every home have one ?

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Are we too risk averse…?….#pmot #in

riskmanagementThis week one of the busiest Motorways in England was closed for 3 days because of a fire in a scrap yard adjoining the motorway. In the ensuing debate questions were raised about the need to prevent such a thing happening again, including closing all potential threats in sites adjoining Motorways.


It got me thinking about our attitude to risk.

How much time do you spend in New Product Development assessing and mitigating against risk ?

How much delay is introduced in the project timeline for risk prevention ?

Perhaps we need to have a better balance between risk mitigation and opportunity enhancement.

What do you think ?

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