Sometimes Project Management can be like “juggling sand”, tasks to complete, schedules to meet, requests to be met etc etc
If your job seems like are constantly juggling sand here are some simple tips to help you cope:-
- Keep a notebook – it doesn’t matter how good your memory is you will NEVER remember everything.
- Make a TO-DO list and prioritize it.
- Say NO – if you can’t do something by a certain time don’t pretend you can.
- Offer an alternative, if you can’t do A could you do B instead ?
- Delegate – if you have a team delegate tasks effectively.
- Communicate – if Management asks you to do something keep them up to date with progress.
- Be PROACTIVE, rather than reactive.
- ANTICIPATE problems before they present themselves.
- Manage your time – if its simpler to phone rather than visit someone then do that.
- Follow up verbal requests with an email so you have a traceable record.
- Be Assertive, don’t swallow more than you can chew.
If you have any more suggestions please share them by commenting below.
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