Scientist’s in California are developing a fantastic new process utilizing revolutionary 3D printing techniques & laboratory grown brain matter.
Dr F Stein describes the process:-
” Human brain matter can be grown quite successfully in the laboratory from stem cells. This process can be accelerated using standard pressure cooking techniques which enables us to grow 1kg of pure brain matter in less than a week. This material is then fed into a 3D printer cartridge. A 3D Cat Scan image of the donors brain is then fed into the 3D printer program & an exact duplicate is then ‘printed’ layer by layer.”
“The next step of the process is to store the donors brain which may then be transplanted into her body at a later date; perhaps at the onset of any sign of brain disease”
This incredible innovation ranks alongside other 3D printing firsts like printing your own house, your own robot or your car.
Even Nokia have got in on the act by releasing templates so you can print your own phone cover.
It’s almost a license to print money – now there’s an idea !
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